Increase online presence with social media initiatives.

WeGo Unlimited provides a variety of affordable Social Media services to help business reach new customers.

Social media is one of the most cost-effective ways to grow a business. Through social media platforms, you can build your brand voice, stay up-to-date on customers’ desires and behaviors, retain loyalty and find new customers.

Social media establishes regular two-way contact with valued customers. More customers share opinions on social media than on email or by telephone. Replying personally to their comments helps you get to know them, and shows you care about each individual. Satisfied customers will provide priceless influencer advertising by posting their appreciation.

In a 2015 study, 91% of marketers claimed social media increased their brand visibility. Original content builds a positive image, and website content shared on social platforms gives users a reason to visit your website. This, in turn, can improve your site traffic and enhance your search engine rankings.

Making The Most of Social Media

So how do we help WeGo Unlimited clients make the most of this marvelous tool?

WeGo Unlimited assists many organizations with their social media in different ways. For some, simply having regular content related to their industry (helpful tips, before and after images, information about their products and services, etc.) is enough. For others, curating external articles and sharing related information with an allocated promotional budget is needed to effectively get their messaging across.

As The Old Saying Goes, Content Is King

Your content can be educational, entertaining, offer productivity improvement or cost savings. But you don’t always want to be selling your product or service. Simply remind the reader of your brand through helpful information while he or she is on the “path to purchase.” Then when it’s time to buy, your brand is top-of-mind. More importantly, every business (and industry) is different. This of course makes every client unique. Thus, each social media campaign is created specifically for each company depending on what needs they have, and who their competition is.

Customers don’t want to hear about you ALL the time. Lets talk about your organization, but lets explain what your brand will do for THEM. Content pillars are a great aid. They give you things to talk about that fit your brand but also connect to other aspects of your customers’ lives. In the end, you want to be a resource for providing knowledge and information.

What, Where and When to Post On Social Media

We can help you develop a strategy not just for what and where to post, but how often. You want to post on a consistent basis to hold followers’ attention. We can help you develop banks of content and schedule posts in advance, so your social media coordinator has more time to engage with followers. Or better yet, let us handle the entire initiative for you in order to free up time for you to focus on something else.

Don’t Overreach and Stay Engaged

It is good to start with a few platforms that fit your audience, then expand as you grow and put more effort into additional ones.

You want to make sure you have enough time to stay engaged. Engaging followers helps uncover issues other customers might be having. If your coordinator is tuned in throughout the day, he or she can address problems before they get out of control.

How Social Media Can Help

The benefits of social media are endless: in addition to developing your brand, attracting new customers and generating revenue, it can show you what the competition is up to, help you network with colleagues in your field, and recruit new employees. We tell clients they can’t really afford to NOT have social media in their communications toolkit.

That said, Social Media does NOT have to be an expensive endeavor.

Social Media is an incredible tool for all small businesses and non-profit organizations. By using Facebook, Twitter, and other outlets, companies can reach prospective customers who need their services, much more easily. More so, connections to these customers can easily lead to an exponentially larger viewership as these messages can be shared easily, helping businesses reach a broader audience.

Need Cincinnati Social Media Help?

We could write more, but a dialogue is more important, and much more meaningful. We’d like to learn about YOU, YOUR business and how we can help YOU.

Talk To Us About Social Media